Articles ZEK’s Anthony I. Giacobbe, Jr. Quoted on Recusal Motion in Eli Manning Case September 6, 2017 ZEK’s Anthony I. Giacobbe, Jr. was quoted in an article about recusal issues arising under a new judicial conduct rule in New Jersey. At issue were the standards for recusal in a lawsuit against the New York Giants and Eli Manning which alleged memorabilia fraud involving game-used items. The Judge has been a New York Giants season ticket holder since the 1950s and the plaintiffs, whose first recusal motion was denied by the Judge on the basis that he did not have a “financial interest” in the New York Giants, made a second motion after a new rule broadened the standard for determining whether there is a financial interest. In an article published in Newsday by Jim Baumbach, Giacobbe explained that the new rule gives the Judge the opportunity to grant the motion without contradicting his prior decision, and that Courts must always strive to avoid the appearance of any bias.
ZEK’s Anthony I. Giacobbe, Jr. Quoted on Recusal Motion in Eli Manning Case September 6, 2017 ZEK’s Anthony I. Giacobbe, Jr. was quoted in an article about recusal issues arising under a new judicial conduct rule in New Jersey. At issue were the standards for recusal in a lawsuit against the New York Giants and Eli Manning which alleged memorabilia fraud involving game-used items. The Judge has been a New York Giants season ticket holder since the 1950s and the plaintiffs, whose first recusal motion was denied by the Judge on the basis that he did not have a “financial interest” in the New York Giants, made a second motion after a new rule broadened the standard for determining whether there is a financial interest. In an article published in Newsday by Jim Baumbach, Giacobbe explained that the new rule gives the Judge the opportunity to grant the motion without contradicting his prior decision, and that Courts must always strive to avoid the appearance of any bias.