
ZEK's Daniel Garrie Publishes Article in The Huffington Post on Cyber Attacks

On June 9, 2016, ZEK’s Daniel B. Garrie pubished an article in The Huffington Post entitled, “Burning Down the House: Why is a Cyber Attack Different from a Fire Under the Law?” In that article, Mr. Garrie explains that a cyber incident is no less dangerous than a fire. Yet, it is treated by the government, companies and individuals as if it does not pose the same risks. This is a dangerous proposition, and one that needs to change. In the same way a fire poses threat to assets and individuals, cyber events can damage a company or a person in ways that may be difficult, or even impossible to fully recover from. Some types of cyber attacks, against dams or electrical utilities for example, may result in property damage, or even physical injury or loss of life.

The article can be found at the URL below:

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Attorney Daniel B. Garrie